Heat Pumps – What You Need To Know

February 27, 2018


Today on the blog we will be featuring a particular technology that exists in most of the homes we build: the heat pump! It is important to educate yourself on how to properly operate a heat pump, so that you can avoid potential problems, maintain it appropriately, and get the most out of the system.

A quick summary (for those who may not be familiar already):

A heat pump is a device that uses electricity to pull heat from a cold source and transfer it warm place. In doing so it makes the cold source even colder and increases the temperature of the warmer place. In the example of a heat pump on a house: There is typically an outdoor unit and an indoor unit. In the heating season the outdoor unit will absorb heat from the outside air and push it through to the indoor unit to be distributed into the home. Alternatively, in the cooling season, the outdoor unit will draw in warm outside air and using pressure and a liquid refrigerant, will cool the air that will be cycled through the home.

If I already have a heat pump in my home, what do I need to know?

As outside temperatures decrease, you may notice that the air from the registers will feel less warm. This is common for all heat pumps and is nothing to worry about. The heat pump is designed to keep a house at a steady and even temperature by supplying more air at a lower temperature, which provides for a more comfortable living environment.

It is also common under normal operation for your heat pump to run continuously for several days when temperatures get below freezing.

Heat pumps are very economical and supply most of what is needed to keep a home at a comfortable temperature. However, if the homeowner changes the thermostat to a temperature that is more than what the heat pump alone can provide, electric heaters will be activated. Therefore, the most economical way to use a heat pump is to choose a reasonable and comfortable temperature and avoid changing the thermostat too frequently.